In «One gust of wind and they all dance» we meet five female performers. They have worked both separately and together with images from nature as a starting point for movement. Common and individual understanding, similarities and differences in language, personality and expression become visible and connected.
The audience is invited into a unique landscape where organic mechanisms and processes become a ritual. The work explores bodies as nature and the cycles shared with all life. Each performer has a designated place within the room and without leaving their place, they respond to the energy and the impulses that pass between them. A network of roots intertwines, the sound travels through the space and the dancers are lifted and moved by the same gust of wind.
Premiere: 19th of May at Dansens Hus, Oslo
Performances: 20th and 21st of May at 6 pm, and 22th of May
The performance was funded by Arts Council Norway, FFUK – Fund for performing artists and Fund for Sound and Image.
In relation to the performance several events took place:
Open rehearsal the 28th of April during Dansens Dager in Oslo
Workshop with Tew Bunnag, arranged by Praxis Oslo the 22th of May
Pretalk with Tew Bunnag at Dansens Hus, Oslo at 6 pm, before the last performance
Choreography: Kristina Gjems
Dance: Loan Ha, Marianne Kjærsund, Fernanda Branco, Cecilie Lindeman Steen, Kristina Gjems
Costumes and set design: Eric Williams
Music: Morten Pettersen
Light design: Martin Myrvold
Production: Jorunn Kjersem Hildre
Photos and trailer: Tale Hendnes / Dansens Hus
Coproduction: Dansens Hus, Oslo
In August 2018 Dreamscreen Productions presented an adjusted version of the performance «One gust of wind – and they all dance» at Tou Scene in
Stavanger, featuring three female performers.
Photos; Jorunn Kjersem Hildre